Friday, May 21, 2010

How increasing the prices AFFECT the Community

Oil shortage is affecting a lot of people around in my community. The tortas restaurant across my street has closed because they don't have any oil to be selling their food. Less people had consumed from their food because the prices of the tortas went too high. The tortas used to cost $4.00 and now they cost the double which is $8.00. The gas station around the corner of my house also closed because less people were using gas for their cars because now most of the people walk more or use their bikes, scooters, and their skateboards. Some of the things that I have to do to become self sustainable is not going out too much when I don’t need to not waste oil. I am also eating more foods that don’t need oil for example salads, more vegetables, beans and more to save the most oil that I can. Some of the things that I have been doing to get from one place to another are by walking, using my bike, scooter or sometimes the bus which is also more expensive. The role that elasticity because many of the people around the area that I live in are saying that now to eat a torta is like wasting an hour that you work in the week. Many of the people are no longer buying tortas because they are too expensive and they can’t afford to buy for all their families.

Source Google

Source Bing

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