Friday, April 30, 2010

Shortage on Food

I am really surprise in the way that we can be cut on food because we can no longer have transportation for this crops to come to us. I think that the foods that will disappear the first will be the vegetables and fruits because their is not going to be transportation for this crop to come to our community. I think that this things will become the most expensive ones in the store because many people are going to want to eat this products and their are going to be a few fruits and vegetables for the people to buy. I am concerned in the way that what would we the people do if many of our foods are short and that many people are not going to be able to eat this products.
I think that many of the people are going to be looking to buy their meats and many of them are not going to be able to get them because this products are going to be really expensive or their are not going to be anymore.

Iceland's Eyjafjallajoekull Volcano Effects

Canceling the airline flights and the gas out stages would be a loss of money because people are no longer going to be able to use this resources.
Many people use gas to put in their cars and many people use the airlines to fly for a vacation.

I think that we shouldn't give up our goods because if we do we are going to lose many of the foods that we like to eat. I think that is not a good
idea for us to give up on gasoline because if we do we are going to lose many of our transportation and is going to be harder for us to transfers from one place to another. Some of the alternatives that we are going to have are that we are going to eat what is available for us in our community and we are going to need to walk were ever we want to go. I think that we really need to keep having the goods and services that we have now.

I do worried about losing the food that we have now because what will happen to all of the people that depend on this foods. Many of the people are going to stay without eating and the economy is going to be more worse because people are not buying any food. I also think that if the services water and power are taken away is going to affect all of the people in this community because we all need water and power. we need water to shower, drink and we need power to see t.v, and use many of electronics that we have.

I like to save the most resources that I have so in case of an emergency I know I have things that I can use like food and water. We are planning to have waters so we would not suffer on not having water and food that can be helpful to us.

SOURCE: Chef Merito
SOURCE: Electricity
SOURCE: Volcano

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Supply and Demand

Supply means how much of a service or supply to sell and at what price to sell it.

Demand means when people have the willing and ability to buy something.

Something that was surprising to me when I tooked the quiz was that oil is use in many of the things that we use everyday. Another surprising thing that I didn't knew was that the U.S was one of the richest country with oil in the year of 2005.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Uses of Oil

Today I realized that everyday we use oil. Their isn't a day were we don't use oil. The cloth that we wash, the food that we eat and when we use our cars all that uses oil. We now depend too much on oil because without oil we cannot do many things.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Life without brake fluid

While running in my car I tried to stop but the brakes wouldn't stop the car and this could of cause me to die because I was about to crash with another car. Then I went to a Autozone that was near to buy a brake fluid but they told me that they didn't sell anymore brakefluid because it wasent made any more.